National Stop Food Waste Day. Together, let’s make a difference!

Waste not, want not—the old adage that was practiced for centuries and even more recently by our parents and grandparents, has faded away in these ‘everything instant’, throw-away times, but all hope is not lost. The other well-known expression—everything old is new again, is bringing awareness (and hopefully, real change) to our wasteful mindset. Environmental stewardship is increasing, and so has a resurgence in efforts by individuals, organizations and companies to incorporate programs that lessen our collective footprint on the health of our planet—including The Cuyahoga Group.

April 28th is National Stop Food Waste Day, and our collective consciousness in taking better care of Mother Earth has led us back to supporting initiatives that create healthier humans and a healthier planet for all living things. We’re creating backyard gardens, building rainwater collection and compost containers, recycling, repurposing—and yet, massive amounts of food waste—nearly 40% of all prepared food, still persists in our country.

Getting back to the basics means responsible food production, sustainable practices, decreasing food waste—and even leaning toward the health and environmental benefits of a plant-based diet.

So how do we prevent food waste? First, by identifying the food waste problem, in our homes, schools, churches, restaurants—and in all industries where food is prepared, served and consumed. Not only are food scraps filling landfills, perfectly consumable food is also thrown away every day—food that could be delivered to those in need.

At the Cuyahoga Group, we are researching new ways to decrease food waste, by looking to organizations like Rust Belt Riders, who provide services to companies and organizations to assist in recycling plant-based food scraps, by delivering to compost areas in community and urban gardens, and  pick-up and transport of same-day delivery of fresh, consumable food products to food pantries and local organizations to help feed those in need. Here are 10 tips from Stop Food Waste Day may give some inspiration to help save the food too!

The Cuyahoga Group also strives to provide fresh, natural food and beverage options to our clientele while incorporating internal programs focused on the three tenants of environmental sustainability: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Together, we truly can make a difference.
